3  Ways Your  Mindset  Affects Your  Life

Do you currently have a growing tax business or run your business alongside working a job? I want to explain to you how some simple mindset shifts can change everything about your success.

Building a company STARTS with your mind. You CAN NOT skip this part. The results in your business will be a direct indication of what you have going on upstairs at the time.

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So let’s talk about:

3  Ways Your  Mindset  Affects Your  Life 

Being  an entrepreneur  brings  many  challenges  along  with its  many benefits. One  challenge  in particular  involves  your  business  mindset and recognizing  if you’re  setting yourself  up for success  or failure. 

Figuring  out what mindset you have  involves  using  your  common sense. If you’re  afraid to  fail, chances  are  that’s  what will  happen because  you  won’t want to take  any  risks  so  you won’t take any  action. 

However, it  IS  possible  to  shift this  mindset;  so  instead of being  afraid,  you become determined  to  make  your  business  work. 

Which scenario  do  you prefer: 

Being  determined and taking  action  or being  afraid  and  hiding in  a corner,  doing  nothing? You can choose the path of joy or you can choose the path of self pity. Both take the same amount of time to travel.

Here  are  some  other common  mindsets  that  may  negatively  affect your  business: 

1.  A  negative mindset can affect your confidence.  How do you react if a  client or if you’re working, your boss says you made a  mistake or they’re not happy with the outcome of what you produced?  

Does it rock your world for days at a time or can you regroup,  make the correction, and move on? If your brain is telling  you to reach for perfection, then of course you’ll be extremely disappointed when you make a  mistake or misunderstand your client’s needs.  

Accept the fact that you’re human and find a  way to make the client happy. Then jot down that lesson in a  journal or implement a  new process so that type of mistake doesn’t happen again. 

If you do have a job, This lack of confidence may prevent you from taking that jump from employee to entrepreneur, to begin with.

Do you want to be stuck working in a  cubicle for other people or would you like the freedom to set your own hours,  accept the clients you want, and answer only to yourself? If you do that’s ok because you can still make a difference as a team player, but I’m primarily focused on entrepreneurs for this message.

2.  A  poverty mindset can affect how you set prices.  “Money blocks”  is a  popular buzz phrase lately but I  still hear story after story of solo entrepreneurs who consistently underprice their services. 

If you’re underpricing just to get the job, then you run the risk of not earning enough to pay your bills and you’re telling prospects subliminally that you don’t value yourself enough. If clients balk at paying your prices, then those aren’t the right clients for you.

3. An imposter mindset can affect how you present yourself to others.  Another common theme among solo-entrepreneurs is feeling like an imposter,  especially if their skills are self-taught or their market has thousands of competitors already. 

Feeling like an imposter also feeds into these other situations above, where you lack confidence and don’t charge your worth because you feel like you’re not good enough. Portraying this image to prospects will likely cause them to reconsider hiring you, simply because they want to be fully confident that you are competent to do the job. Knowing and understanding your mindset about different aspects of your business is important for your personal growth as well as your business growth. 

But don’t despair:  Mindset shifts are certainly possible with some steady practice.  Very often it involves changing that negative self-talk into positive self-talk or adopting the opposite thought. So if you don’t feel confident about a  situation, think about all the good work you have done for your clients instead and read their testimonials. Done frequently enough, your confidence will grow.

Need help shifting  those mindsets?  

Join my next Livestream training… Shifting your mindset may seem easier said than done but I’m sharing some tips on how to accomplish that in my next Livestream training.  “5 Mindset Shifts  You Must Make to  Move from Employee to  Entrepreneur”  will give you actionable tips for shifting your mindset so you’re ready to start your business and find success.  

All  I  ask of you is to do the work  –  a  little bit every day  –  and to trust the process.  First, connect with me on Facebook bit.ly/MyTaxProGroup so you’ll get the reminder notifications. Second, do the work to reach a  new level of success!


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